Sunday, February 10, 2013


Consistency is the most important word of any goal setting. Stage two is completely focused on that word. Don't worry about rest days or over exercising. With only 20 mins/day, you are not at risk for either. The focus of this assignment is to develop consistent behaviors. Facilitate GOOD habits rather than trying to stop BAD ones. Every. Single. Day. Eat 1/2 portions AT EVERY MEAL. Workout 20 mins EVERY SINGLE DAY. 

Stage two will be difficult for both populations for different reasons. 

If you have not exercised in the past or have a considerable amount of weight to lose, this will be physically uncomfortable. It will be difficult to find the motivation, avoid excuses, find the clothes that fit and feel just right, to find time in your present lifestyle. 

The other extreme is the over-exerciser and getting nowhere. This person knows so much about macros/portions/pre and post meals, intervals, HIIT, compound movements, body part splits, P90X, Barre, yoga and Blast classes.... that it is overwhelming to imagine just working out 20 mins/day.  

For those of us trying to find MODERATION, this step must be followed precisely. 

For the group just beginning- it will form a new habit of finding a spot for exercise in your busy schedule. If you are unable to find 20 mins a day to sweat, then I suggest an entire evaluation of your lifestyle. 
For the overwhelmed, this resets the clock. At the end of this journey we will have incorporated all of the above techniques without trying to do them ALL IN ONE DAY. I also have a thought process that flickers through my brain every once in a while that tells me "If I can't do HIIT, weights, eat right and my yoga all in one day, I might as well do nothing." 

I am on day two of this stage. Yesterday, on day one,  I had to take a breath and regroup after planning on going to a circuit class for 1 1/2 hours. I regrouped, and ran on the treadmill for 20 mins. Did my stage two abs and called it a day. This morning I woke thinking I would do intervals for 20 mins. I took a breath, regrouped and did 20 mins of just running on the treadmill and stage two abs. When I had 70 lbs to lose after the baby and had to maneuver around breastfeeding, schedules and sleep deprivation, the 20 mins was hard for different reasons. Now that I am trying to find a life of moderation, it's still just as hard. 

Stage Two Recap
20 mins sweating every day. If you are not sweating and wiping with a towel after 5 mins increase the intensity. 
Cut all normal meals in 1/2. 
Abs: dead bug, knee grabs, bridging, rope climb x 30 each. 

20 mins of TM running 

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